General Knowledge : List of Names of Countries in the World and its Capital of the Country

General Knowledge : List of Names of Countries in the World and its Capital of the Country - The world is made up of 193 sovereign countries, each country has its membership in the International Organization is the United Nations or shortened by the United Nations. In other words, 193 of the country is the State that is recognized as a sovereign state by the international community. Each sovereign State has a capital city which is the seat of government. State Capital adalagh main city of a country that in the city there is the head office of state or head of government, the office of the House of Representatives or Parliament, the head offices of commercial companies and offices of the embassies of foreign countries. However, the State Capital is not necessarily the largest city in the country concerned.
For example, the city of Jakarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. State Palace in Jakarta there is a head of state and head office of governance. Jakarta also has an office in the House of Representatives (Parliament) and the offices of foreign embassies and the central office commercial companies.
List of Names of Countries in the World as well as the Capital of the Country
Here is a list of names of countries in the world along with the Capital of the Country

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